Monday, April 21, 2008


Well. After college, Craig, Bob, Patrick, and I got invited to a flashmob at Brighton station. We got there, and within about 10 minutes, about 200 people flooded into the station. A green balloon was released into the air to signal us to start clapping. So we randomly started to applaud people getting off of their trains. After about 1 minute, a red balloon went up to signal us to stop clapping, and leave. So within a minute, the whole station was left back to normal, at the dismay of the station workers.

I can't imagine what the workers must've thought, or the random people we were applauding. I think I'm going to arrange a flashmob at Churchill Square. However, mine will be more of a 4Chan Flash mob. That means dress code, a fitting mask for the occasion, and a strange internet meme. It's still floating around up the old noggin', but I'll post more details of it when I've spoken to a few people.