Well, first off, the web page about optical camouflage and light emitting fibers which I showed in my presentation has disappeared, and the only trace to it which I could find is in Japanese, http://tachilab.org/modules/projects/rpt.html. That is the front page, which is in English, however, the link further down the page links to a Japanese page, which is a shame, because it was quite interesting, and made up a large part of my research. However, it does show some pictures of the technology being used. The technology basically worked by using very tiny sensors on the clothes the technology was used on, in this case, a trench coat, and they outputted the colours they were picking up on the opposite side of the coat, giving the illusion of being slightly invisible.
This technology was also used in Metal Gear Solid 1, and during parts of Metal Gear Solid 2.
"Metal Gear Solid/The Twin Snakes
In MGS and TTS, The stealth camouflage can be unlocked by giving into Revolver Ocelot's torture and clearing the game, where Otacon will give Solid Snake the stealth camouflage. This will allow the player to use the item the next time they play the game. However, if the player endures the torture, Meryl Silverburgh will give Snake the bandana.
Otacon uses the stealth camouflage though most of the game to avoid detection from the Genome Soldiers and mentions having made five of them. The other four are used by an unknown group of soldiers to keep an elevator in place during Snake's fight against Liquid Snake's Hind D and later ambush Snake in the style of the Four Horsemen in the same elevator. Grey Fox also appears to have a built-in version of the stealth camouflage in his exo-skeleton."
-Taken From the Metal Gear Wiki.
Other Technology I looked into was PAN technology. PAN is a technology which uses your body as a transmitter, and can be used to unlock certain things, or start cars, or do things which would usualy require your authorisation through other methods. It can be used in 2 forms, an implant, or a small device which is carried close to your body, like a card. When you go near a reciever near a door, or cash point you wish to pay at, or whatever, it will perform the neccesarry action.
Copy Pasta:
What is IntraBody Communication | | |
The term Intra-Body-Communication or BodyNFC describes the data exchange between stationary or mobile devices using the human body as a conductor or capacitive area. Influencing the body with a separate modulated capacitive field, can provide an IntraBody detection or interaction.
The biological properties of the body is used to transfer very low currents or to change the capacitive body field.
Devices equiped with IntraBody or BodyNFC can exchange date bidirectional, by the use of the modulated currents or fields. They have to be conneted or to be carried on the body or operate close to it
Apllication fields are :
- Detection
- Identifikation
- Interaktion
Only the identification requires an active BodyNet or IntraBody Transceiver. The Detection and Interaction can work in a passive mode, there is no transceiver necessary.
There are different synonyms used for this wireless communication, based on capacitive fields. IntraBody Communication (IBC), Personal-Area-Network (PAN), Human-Area-Network (HAN), Body-Area-Network (BAN), Human-Interface (HI) oder Muman-Machine-Interface (HMI) are some of it.
The above was taken directly from smartNFC's website. The Metal Gear Series uses the same technology in the form of a card carried close to the body, to open doors.
I then looked into Rail Gun technology. Rail gun technology is much more simple than it seems. You have 2 metallic objects, a barrel(or rail), and the ammunition. You pass a current between them, and a magnetic field propells the object outwards at an incredible speed. Railguns have been available since WW2. In world war 2, they were typically much bigger than the ones in use today. They were rail mounted, and required 2 powerful rail engines to pull them. Todays ones vary in size, from huge cannons uses on battleships, to relatively small ones the size of cars. The technology has been advanced somewhat, and has produced working handheld deviced, although they use very slightly different methods of achiveing the same effect. These are called coilguns.
Rail Gun Link Here, I would've copy and pasta'd it like the rest of my research, but there's too much to put up here without it becoming a mess. In Metal Gear Solid 1, Metal Gear REX has a rail gun mounted on it, which was quite large. In Metal Gear Solid 2, a character called Fortune carries a Rail Gun, which despirt being quite large, was still a weapon which could be used by hand, and carried. This shows how technology moved on between the games, as it did in real life.and how instead of the media influencing society, society, and technology in general influences the media.